Monday, January 25, 2010

The meek have already lost.

Now that the Supreme Court has decided to fully embrace a corporate-owned American government, I know that I don't have a right to complain about the corrupting effects of money in the process of formulating policy. Everyone knows that rich white men are better human beings than the rest of the general population. If this decision means that corporations will pour truckloads of money into elections and lobbying (as if the American government were not already owned by corporations), we should drop to our knees and thank Roger Ailes (God). The public will be served well when pharmaceutical and insurance lobbyists craft healthcare legislation, when energy lobbyists write environmental "protection" regulations, and retired military officers secure no-bid contracts for unaccountable profiteers from the Department of Defense. Jesus can believe that the meek will inherit the Earth, but He couldn't be more wrong. Wealthy, corrupt, unethical white men already own the Earth. The meek can shop at Wal-Mart and die at the age of 30 when they can't pay their hospital bills. Screw the meek. Blessed are the corporate scum.

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