Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Chickenhawk Warriors

Hysterical fear-mongering in the face of isolated danger (the Christmas Underwear Bomber) isn't an atypical response by conservatives/Republicans. Conservatives/Republicans are self-aggrandizing cowardly blowhards as a general rule. Conservatives/Republicans love sending other people (impoverished/brown people) to fight senseless, endless, unwinnable, bloody, expensive wars in distant third-world countries. Conservatives/Republicans love the idea of fighting wars while they and their children avoid military service like the Black Plague. Conservatives/Republicans scream hysterically about their war credentials and beat their chests like junior high school boys craving attention at every opportunity. Conservative/Republican chickenhawks (George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Karl Rove, the dishonest cowards at Fox News) cheered for bloodshed as the United States military stumbled into two horrific disasters in Iraq and Afghanistan. Nothing has changed. Conservatives/Republicans are quick to embrace war as long as they don't have to face the flag-draped consequences of war. True warriors don't spend their time announcing their battlefield accomplishments. Just because Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh play tough guys in their fantasy news programs doesn't make them tough guys in the real world.


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