Saturday, December 19, 2009

Why We Can't All Just Get Along

It is an unfortunate reality we live in today. People don't agree on everything. Point made, lets move on (and not like the website). Joking aside, The line between liberalism and conservatism is drawn in an unmovable mountain called Responsibility. Most Americans would have a minor myocardial infarction just hearing the word uttered. Wives use the phrase to scare little kids into eating their broccoli. Why at the thought of personal responsibility Americans run to their Lawyers house, rouse a small army of lowly legal assistants armed with pitchforks and paperwork and suit the nearest city council for their rights to be babysat through life. UH. Sad sad sad world.
That is the dividing line between liberalism and conservatism, and that is why we can't all just get along.

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