Friday, December 18, 2009

The New, the Old, and the Downright Dirty Tactic

Demagoguery. The word is itself scary. The tactic has been used by politicians for years but has recently come to light for the younger generations in terms of terrorism, patriotism, pauperism, and (for lack of a better term) alienism. All of these terms strike fear in the heart of middle America. And lets face it folks, Middle America is where the votes and support for a candidate and agendas come from. So it seems that the the side that strikes the most fear into this class can win the election. Obama won on the fear of partisanship and racism, and McCain lost because of the lack of fear for terrorisism. While the strategey is legal, is it Ethical? Is it right that Americans should be fed demagoguery in order to gain a vote for an election? Should we be swayed now for healthcare based on the fear that the babies born poor poeple (who, by the way, are not just minorities) cannot afford the abortion for that they want due to the casual sex they have had without the (not-so) lasting commitment of a marriage? Should we vote for Cap and Trade because some misbegotten owner of a failing media outlet campaigning for global whining isnt seeing his shares rise quite the same as Exxon's? No. No. NO NO NO. That is my answer. That is what Americans know and have been trying to express, and that is what The Hill has been ignoring. Lets bring back that Silent Majority and fight these government intrusions on the American People.
Now before my words are so twisted and manipulated that it is said I am happy with the current state of America, where hard working poeple go home pennyless, and uninsured Americans are discarded as lepors. I am not happy with the current system of compensation, banking, investing, and taxing. I am not happy that children do go home hungry, and that parents see those kids as mearly a check from the government. I am not happy that it has come to a moment in time that Americans cannot support charitities that can help the poor and needy. It seems to me that the age of responsiblity has passed and America is now in the age of Government entitlement.
The majority of Americans now have grown up on, and accepted the War on Poverty. My theory is, why am I entiltled to someone else's earnings? Why? Most modern Liberals have made their fortunes off teaching America that wealth and capitolism is wrong. From Noam Chomsky to Micheal Moore, Americans have been fed the lunicay that the very thought of America is that the poor are somehow entitled to the vast wealth that capitolism has produced for Americans. Now I may be crazy, but for most readers if you were offered $1,000 would you not accept? Now say that to get that $1,000 you had to go and steal the money out of your neighbors house who worked his way through life and now owns his own company, making him a rich man. Now can you truely say you are entiled to his $1,000 dollars, despite having done nothing to in regards to earning that $1,000 dollars. Again, I may be crazy.
Despite this, Americans have been taught that Government entitlement and redistribution is the name of the game, and that, for little or no work, you can have a share of taxpayer money you have not earned. I have used no scare tactics relating these Radical Ideas to you. I have not called anyone a coporate shill, a racists, sexists, marixist, communist, socialist, terrorist.
It comes down to my point of Ethics. If you dont like the current payrate you have every right to invent a new system. No motivation to endure the hardships of euntrepenuership, then you aren't entitled to anything!!!
Yours for thought. Enjoy.

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