Friday, December 18, 2009

Suck it Matthews.

Chris Matthews accused the dirty liberals ("the netroots" is the term that he used) of being uninterested in the business of governing because various liberal enthusiasts (Matt Taibbi, Markos Moulitsas, Joan Walsh, Jane Hamsher) at Daily Kos, Huffington Post, Firedoglake and Salon have been critical of the corporate influence on the Senate's healthcare reform package. Let's just get this out of the way right now. %$#& you Chris Matthews! %$#& you! When we (the dirty, uninterested liberals) were voicing our full disagreement with the two senseless, endless, unwinnable, bloody, expensive debacles in Afghanistan and Iraq, you were living in studio fantasy camp, talking about George W. Bush's status as a glorious war-fighter. It's not that we think we were right. It's that we were right. We knocked on millions of doors in millions of neighborhoods across America to get Barack Obama and congressional Democrats elected for the purpose cleaning up the damage left behind by the incompetent hillbilly regime of Bush Junior. Where were you for the first four years of that horrendous fiasco Chris? Hmm?

I generally refrain from assaulting other Democrats/liberals. For those unaware, Chris Matthews was a speechwriter for the Jimmy Carter administration. Having said that, you and your fivehead are severely out of order Matthews. Check your tone and remember that we (the dirty, hyper-partisan liberals) are the activists and staffers that drive the blue state agenda. We brought the illegal, pseudo-administration of George W. Bush to its knees by making the criminals from Texas wildly unpopular by publicizing their gross mismanagement and numerous criminal actions (illegal wiretapping, torturing prisoners of war, squandering trillions of dollars on tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy, waging two disastrous and unpopular wars). We are the foot soldiers that make the progressive military function. Keep that in mind before you throw any more stones from your glass house.

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